Analysis based on six sigma
Analysis based on six sigma
This article first gives some introduction to the introduction to the definition on of Six Sigma, and then it analyses based on different management theories and then gives how the Six Sigma functions as the basis of analyzing.
Analysis about management
DFSS(Design For Six Sigma), literally people will understand it is a kind of design facing the six Sigma. That is to say, the aim of the design is to make the result of the design achieve the performance of the six sigma levels. Design For Six Sigma is usually defined as a way of designing using the six sigma mythology.
Geoff Tennant gives the six sigma design definition: It is a very strict design method of the new product development and new service, according to this method, it shortens the delivery time and lowers the development costs and also can improve the customer satisfaction by enhancing the efficiency of the products and service.( Geoff Tennant, 99)
With the entrance of the 21st centuries, the requirement of qualities from people is becoming more and more. According to the changes of customers’ demands, companies need to give advance to their management methods, improve their product qualities, enhance their production, accelerate their produce process and keep the degrees of the customers’ satisfactions and loyalties, and at the end, companies they themselves can keep their own competitive advantages and also enhance their earnings. In order to achieve their maximum profits at the lowest cost, more and more managers are starting to use the six sigma methods to their own management.
1. Description of the main parts of management theories
There are hundreds of theories existing during the development of firms. When mentioned the management theories, here they are mainly related to some theories based on the studies of a firm’s organizational purpose, strategy, innovation, human resource management and performance, and also it introduces their relations in the practical actions. They are all important management theories, and also vital to the operation of a firm. According to the viewpoints from different scholars, these management theories not only own the academic value, but also produce the practical values during the whole operation of a company. For example, the management theories of Taylor’s have a great effect on not only the multinational companies such as the Ford Cars but also the small-sized or middle-sized companies. It gives a good idea about the production process organizations of a company.
2.1 Organizational purpose
Generally speaking, “organizational purpose is equal to organizational goal.”( Gross,213), However, the organizational purpose includes the two specific steps: the organizational mission and organizational goal. More exactly speaking, a mission is a statement of general purpose, and a goal should be directed toward a vision and consistent with the mission. In fact, the organizational purpose or goal is the first and most vital during the whole management. Furthermore, the step of organizational purpose is a comprehensive process, which mainly refers to mission planning, mission setting and goal achieving.
2.2 Organizational strategy
Strategies build up broad themes for the actions in run and should reflect the best suitable and practical choice among the alternatives. Johnson and Scholes (2002) defined the term strategy as ‘the direction and scope of an organization over the long term, which achieves advantage for organization through its configuration of resources within a changing environment and to fulfil stakeholder expectations.’ It is said that organizational strategy is the framework, which involves in operating resources to compete, survive and thrive in a long term in order to make considerable benefits for a firm and also meet the optimal satisfaction of all relevant stakeholders within it.
2.3Organizational innovation
“In general, the definition of the term innovation is the process of transforming ideas into commercial value by creativity with risk-taking. It also means the introduction of a new and effective form of business organization, new-invented distribution channels, new extended markets for existing goods and even the new uses for existing production. Thus, it is obvious that innovation has always been essential for the organizations’ long-term survival; however, it currently plays an even more crucial role in the company's future to follow the rapid pace of markets’ evolution.”(Farley & Webster, 23) Therefore, although incremental innovation can turn out to be profitable in the short term, it has a more limited potential to support a long-term corporate development and competitiveness, for which it is usually unavoidable the adoption of more radical innovations (Atuahene-Gima, 1996).
2.4 Human resources management
Generally speaking, “ the phase of human resources is about the people who deserve their different responsibilities in a firm. And the human resource management refers to the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment, management, and the direction of the people in the organization.”(Maben andSalaman, 136). Furthermore, managers also perform human resources management. In fact, human resources management is equal to the organizational function, which copes with some issues with relation to the people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. These different comments are related with each other. It seems that the more chances they have in the training and administration, the more guarantee they can get in the aspects of safety, wellness. It can also be said that the staffs will get more if they are treated just like the host of a company. Taylor’s theory that you have to be strict with staffs all the time is actually not fit. In fact, staffs can work better if they are treated nicely instead of rudely.
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